
openLCA Trainings

GreenDelta provides training courses for openLCA mainly in English on a regular basis, and other languages upon request. We offer different kinds of training courses on a basic & intermediate level for beginners and on an advanced level. Training sessions take place online or in-house, either one-on-one or in groups. On request, it is also possible to arrange training courses at the place of a training participant.



The four phases of an LCA

Working with databases

Working with product systems and projects

First steps and basic functions

Creating processes and flows

Result analysis and                        interpretation


Modelling with parameters

Allocation and system expansion

Data quality in openLCA

Sensitivity analysis

End-of-life modelling (basics)

Useful tips and tricks


End-of-life modelling (advanced)

Life Cycle Costing in openLCA

Regionalised LCA

Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)


Uncertainty analysis

Social LCA in openLCA

Scripting (olca-ipc)

Working with ecoinvent in openLCA

Social LCA


Technical framework

PSILCA database

Social impact assessments


SOCA database

Environmental Product Declaration


Product Category Rules

Life Cycle Stages

(module A to D)

Biogenic carbon mass balance

EN 15804+A2 standard




Run bulk calculations

Access and modify database objects


Processing results

olca-ipc module

Remote Seminar

Module A

Modelling with parameters.

Module C

Advanced modelling of product systems: allocation, system expansion and uncertainty analysis.

Module E

Advanced modelling of product systems: modelling LCA stages and internal recycling/loops.

Module B

Calculation and interpretation of LCI and LCIA results.

Module D

End-of-life modelling.

Module F

On-demand topic (see advanced topics above).

Session Types

Public Training

Public training can be provided for openLCA users from different academic or professional backgrounds. You will join the training with other participants. The training covers the basic and/or intermediate (see “Course content” section below) use of openLCA and the participant receives training materials (manuals, exercises, etc.) for specific topics to gain a better understanding of the use and all functions of the software. These training sessions are held either online or in-house.

Basic and Intermediate trainings are held monthly, with sessions alternating between AM and PM CET.

Note: Basic and Intermediate trainings do not clash

Private Training

Private training sessions are suitable for individuals as well as university or company teams looking for personalised training options. These specialised training sessions cover the basic & intermediate or advanced use of openLCA and offer the participants more flexibility with the course content and time to attend the training. Participants will receive training materials (manuals, exercises, etc.) for specific topics to gain a deeper understanding of the use and all functions of the software. These training sessions are held in three formats: Online, in-house and at participant’s premises.

Learning Studio

The openLCA Learning Studio is meant for teaching openLCA concepts and its application with the help of pre-recorded modules and supporting resources, so that you can learn at your own pace. At the moment, it covers our openLCA Basics training material and can be accessed for three months at a time.

Advanced Remote Seminar

This is a specialized training for advanced openLCA users that takes place over a period of up to three months. The seminar consists of six modules, each of which is accompanied by theoretical background information, practical exercises and an online meeting  (30 minutes per module) with a teacher. Additionally, participants can send emails to the teacher for a quick response. Individuals or groups interested in this training can get further information by clicking here.

Trainers’ Academy

The aim of the Trainers Academy is to enable openLCA users to become certified trainers in openLCA, and start their own trainings for basic and intermediate level. The training will go through topics regarding teaching, and also will cover a couple of advanced topics and Q&A. It is held online and there is a written and oral exam at the end, after which one obtains the certification and training material. Check out our informational package here.

Developer Training

Available upon request. Send us your request via email at


The net prices for the different types of training are all indicated on openLCA Nexus. We offer reductions for universities and non-profit organizations. For trainings at other premises, travel cost will be charged to the customer.

For private trainings with customized contents, please contact us via before booking in order to estimate the time it takes for preparing and conducting your training. The private training with standard content on basic+intermediate level, as indicated above, takes two full days.

For trainings with our partners, different fees might apply.


The net prices for the different types of training are all indicated on openLCA Nexus. We offer reductions for universities and non-profit organizations. For trainings at other premises, travel cost will be charged to the customer.

For private trainings with customized contents, please contact us via before booking in order to estimate the time it takes for preparing and conducting your training. The private training with standard content on basic+ intermediate level, as indicated above, takes two full days.

For trainings with our partners, different fees might apply.