Connecting LCA expertise with enterprise
Poweful online sustainability assessments solutions.

We developed onlineLCA as a webtool for mass-calculation of LCAs in an enterprise; for enabling compliant and consistent calculations with a variety of standards, including EN15804 and EPDs, Environmental Footprint, and others.
Simply put, onlineLCA can turn into your company’s sustainability tool catering your needs and user expertise, from web-based LCA modelling and model calculation to simplified EPD or PCF tools.
This was possible due to a series of concluded and still ongoing projects with major companies including ABB, Mercedes-Benz, RWE, Henkel, Siemens Energy.
The technology behind onlineLCA
All products, all standards, widest choice of data and methods.
Working with onlineLCA
Models are prepared by experts in openLCA, and are then “exposed” via openLCA’s versatile API to the onlineLCA webtool. The webtool has a user rights management system, users can select, calculate, and compare according to their defined rights modify models. Typical modifications are change of materials, dimensions, transport distances, transport modes, end of life options.
This enables many persons in an organisation, be it in product development, marketing, procurement, or higher management, to explore different variants and options, securely, fast, and correctly, without a detailed knowledge of LCA modelling and regulation compliance rules.
Results can be inspected, and also turned into reports and documentation material that can be configured for onlineLCA, also according to company templates of course.
Mass Calculation of LCAs
onlineLCA allows literally hundreds of people to connect and perform specific LCA calculations, in line with premodeled LCAs, giving different persons different roles, with different privileges. Premodeled LCAs are done on openLCA, by a small expert group. Company information sources can be added, openLCA’s API and broad support for different data formats help to do this efficiently.