openLCA Data
The widest choice of datasets
Your source for LCA and sustainability data.
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openLCA Nexus
Discover Databases on openLCA Nexus
In summer 2012 we created a website called openLCA Nexus, where we provide free and for purchase databases for use in openLCA. You can also use the Nexus page to search for individual data sets, using a variety of search criteria such as product, sector, age, time, or price of the data set or database.
Optimised Databases
Data Sets Optimised for Faster Modelling and Calculation
The data sets are aligned as much as possible with the openLCA software, for example with a coherent, comprehensive set of elementary flows.
LCIA Methods
Download Free LCIA Methods for Your Assessments
We also provide a Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) method package to use in openLCA available for free in Nexus. The most recent LCIA methods package, v2.1.2, includes 43 different LCIA methods. Generally, you can use this method package for the databases available in Nexus, however, some exceptions apply.