Webinar 25th March: Social assessments in openLCA
our next webinar is fast coming! We would like to invite you to check out the rich social LCA features and possibilities of openLCA. This webinar will go through the key elements of performing an sLCA study on openLCA, as well as visualizing and analysing the results...
Webinar 19th March: EPD Workflows in openLCA
After nearly a year from our last webinar on this topic, we believe it is time to meet our community again to show you the updates on the workflows on openLCA when working with EPDs, including new features. We will cover from importing and calculating data to...
openLCA LCIA Method package 2.7.3 update release
The new update of the openLCA LCIA Method package (v2.7.3) is now available on Nexus. These are the main highlights of the update: Added flow Strontium II (Emission to water/river) IPCC 2021 (ISO 14067) Impact direction changed from "Input" to "Outpur" for "IPCC 2021...
Webinar 12th March: Introducing onlineLCA
We are very excited to finally present onlineLCA, the software that is nowadays so demanded, expanding from the usual LCA practitioner use. onlineLCA is a web application that helps non-experts access and modify LCA models, allowing for enterprise teams to adopt...
Webinar 6th March: Libraries feature for openLCA
Our next webinar is again coming very soon. This Thursday at 15:00 CET we will have a first presentation about the "libraries" feature for openLCA. Libraries is a new feature for openLCA that was introduced in version 2.0. They are precalculated, non-editable...
Webinar 19th Feb: Introducing a new Chinese LCI Database
Our next webinar is coming very soon. We will be presenting the HiQLCD database, a new Chinese LCI database that comes to improve the availability of LCA datasets for China. Johnson Gui, co-founder of E-C Digital, is leading the development of this database and will...