If openLCA is open source, do I have to share my models and results?
The fact that openLCA is open source does not mean that you have any obligation to publish or make accessible any data you use or models you create in openLCA. For more information about open source, visit our about page.
What’s the catch? Are there any hidden costs?
For openLCA, there are no hidden costs. Service contracts, trainings, and for-purchase databases are not free but available for a competitive price, the databases e.g. for the same price as from the original data provider (but also adapted to openLCA).
Why should I use openLCA?
In openLCA, you can use and apply any LCI and LCA modeling you like: parameters, nested models, regionalised modeling, drill down to the finest contribution of your model result, uncertainty simulation, group results by life cycle stages, import from a broad variety of sources, export to many recognised formats. Libraries make calculations very fast, and let you handle also huge background databases with ease. And scale this all up with scripts. This all gives you the power to model what you need and want.
How do I download openLCA?
You can download openLCA here.
Which operating systems support openLCA?
openLCA can be run natively on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
In which languages is openLCA available?
openLCA is available in English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish. We would like to thank all those who took their time to translate the openLCA software!
What databases are available for openLCA?
We offer the widest range of databases available for any LCA software. We regularly update databases available on openLCA Nexus to be optimised for use with openLCA.