GaBi 2021.2 – now in openLCA!

GaBi databases 2021.2 have been released by the Sphera team and have been adapted to openLCA. They are now available for GaBi licence holders. That is, users that pay GaBi maintenance through Nexus, or users that already have a GaBi licence and want to transfer to...

soca v2 – new version!

A new version of soca database for openLCA can already be ordered through the Nexus website! We have released the latest version of the soca database (version 2), which combines PSILCA v.3 and ecoinvent v.3.7.1. Therefore, an ecoinvent 3.7.1 licence is required. soca...
A pincer problem in LCA (and openLCA)

A pincer problem in LCA (and openLCA)

In a recent training, a question came up whether a common modelling and calculation is correct which is maybe interesting for others too; this post therefore tries to explain, using a very simple LCA model and system, which seems rather straightforward: The picture...

LCIA Methods & Databases

When performing an LCA, it is common to ask oneself if the used database and Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) method could be used together. openLCA has an LCIA method package, now in version 2.1.1, with over 40 methods that you can download in Nexus [1]. This...

Agribalyse 3.0.1 – An update!

On openLCA Nexus, we have recently published a modified version of Agribalyse v3.0.1. This modification was needed to correct the predefined allocation factors, which are parameterized in Agribalyse, or expressed as formulas. As you probably know, in openLCA, you can...

Updated ecoinvent 3.7.1 is now available on Nexus

The updated ecoinvent 3.7.1 database is now available on openLCA Nexus. This update was needed as the database provider had noticed an issue related to the iron sinter production dataset which included an error in the order of magnitude of the estimated emissions for...

ecoinvent 3.7 now available for openLCA

The latest version of the ecoinvent database, version 3.7, released on September 17th, 2020, features more than 900 new datasets, among them 100 new products, and 1000 updated datasets. Few of the major updates and additions are listed below: New and updated datasets...