Agribalyse 3.1.1 now available for openLCA

Agribalyse version 3.1.1 can now be found for download in openLCA Nexus: The implementation to openLCA is explained in a document on the same page: /wp-content/uploads/2024/01/AGRIBALYSE_v_3_1_1_Report.pdf  Agribalyse is...

PLEX – Plastic Litter EXtension for ecoinvent

Plastic pollution has gained attention as plastic production and use keeps growing while sustainable waste management is lacking; the amount of waste is expected to triple by 2060 [1,2]. Although many different environmental impacts are considered in common LCAs,...

AGRIBALYSE 3.1 – now available for openLCA

AGRIBALYSE is a French LCI database for agricultural and food products consumed in France, developed on behlaf of ADEME, the French agency for ecological transition. It specifically focusses on food LCA datasets, for France. Ther new version released in fall 2022 is...

EN15804 add-on database – update & review

Earlier this year, GreenDelta released the EN15804 add-on for the ecoinvent cut-off unit database. This database supports LCA modelling for Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), allowing for the calculation of EN15804-specific indicators. The database has now...