Our next webinar is again coming very soon. This Thursday at 15:00 CET we will have a first presentation about the “libraries” feature for openLCA.
Libraries is a new feature for openLCA that was introduced in version 2.0. They are precalculated, non-editable databases that intend to make database work and collaboration faster. Join us on this webinar for an introduction to libraries for openLCA, with the possibility to answer questions at the end.
Come on Thursday 6th March| 15:00 CET to watch the session live with the possibility to ask questions.
Register to the webinar here: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/3ca22ae4-33e9-4dab-a217-72488d32c76f@09822c4e-a1e3-4621-b903-875244b7aff1

PS: more webinars are also coming, in a series of webinars for this first quarter of 2025. Check out our recent webinars here.