It is now possible to calculate an LCA model for Material Criticality using openLCA. The methodology was developed as part of the SH2E project[1] and is enabled through an LCIA Method in the ecoinvent 3.10 cut-off database.
About the methodology
Created by Bargiacchi et al. in 2022[2] and Zapp and Schreiber in 2021[3], the criticality indicator is based on the criticality assessment of the European Commission (EC)[4] and includes an indicator that considers Supply Risk (SR), material consumption (C) in the EU, import reliance (IR), and the recycling input rate (EoLRIR). The SH2E criticality indicator characterization factor (CF) is derived by:

The final SH2E criticality indicator is calculated by multiplying the criticality factor (CF) of a material (m) by the mass (M) of that material in the foreground systems, according to the SH2E LCSA guidelines:

Obtain the database for openLCA
The methodology works with ecoinvent 3.10 cut-off, and it is found inside the Circularity Package database in Nexus. That is, since v2.1, the Circularity Package not only allows to calculate circularity indicators in LCA models but also material criticality.
Link to the database:
Note that a valid ecoinvent licence is required. Those users with the previous Circularity Package database version and purchased maintenance will also have access to the database update.
[2] Bargiacchi E, Puig-Samper G, Campos-Carriedo F, Iribarren D, Dufour J, Ciroth A, et al. D2.2 Definition of FCH-LCA guidelines. 2022.
[3] Zapp P, Schreiber A. SH2E D3.1 Material criticality indicator. Brussels: Clean Hydrogen Partnership; 2021