With the release of openLCA 2.4, we are also providing an updated version of the openLCA manual, which includes the following changes:
Updates and additions related to openLCA 2.4:
- Newly added section: Analysis groups
- Updated chapters: Databases and Model graph
- Other updates: terminology changes (e.g., “child categories” are now called “categories”) are now reflected in new screenshots
Structural and readability improvements:
- Certain chapters have been restructured for improved readability, with the addition of sub-sub-chapters:
The sidebar chapters are now collapsed by default at the first level when opening the manual. They can be expanded manually or browsed unfolded via the new Table of content.
The Latest manual updates section is now located at the bottom of the manual.
- Other minor updates
If you have additional feedback, feel free to reach us at https://ask.openlca.org. For manual-specific inquiries, you can raise an issue on the GitHub repository of the manual.
For a summary of feature updates in openLCA v2.4, please visit our dedicated blog post here.