A new update of the openLCA LCIA Method package (v2.4.5) is now available on Nexus.

These are the main highlights of the update:

  • IPCC 2021:

    • Corrected CFs for Methane flows in IPCC 2021 GWP 100:
      • From 27.9 to 29.8 for fossil Methane flows.
      • From 27.9 to 27.0 for non-fossil Methane flows.
    • Added the category “IPCC 2021 GWP 100 (non-fossil CO2 uptake and emission)” to account for biogenic carbon using the -1/+1 approach.
  • EF 3.1:

    • Removed “Phosphorus” and “Phosphate” flows from Eutrophication marine.
    • Corrected “Phosphorous acid” to “Phosphoric acid” in Eutrophication freshwater.
    • Added missing factors in Eutrophication freshwater.
    • Corrected CF for “Methane” flows in “Climate change” from 27 to 29.8
    • Added “Metane” flows in Climate change (fossil)
  • TRACI 2.1:

    • Corrected Methyl Chloride CFs in the ozone depletion category from 0.2 to 0.02.
  • Impact Directions:

    • Set for all IPCC 2021 categories and for EF 3.1 “Human toxicity non-cancer (inorganics)” and “Ecotoxicity freshwater (organics)”.
  • ReCiPe Normalization Values:

    • Updated to unrounded values.
  • Gereral:

    • Corrected flow name of biogenic Carbon and Methane from “biogenic” to “non-fossil” Carbon and Methane.


Where to obtain the latest openLCA LCIA Method package:

The method package is available in Nexus here: https://nexus.openlca.org/database/openLCA%20LCIA%20methods.


How to update the LCIA Methods in openLCA:

If you want to update the method package in a database that already contains the previous version, you have different options:

  • Delete the current version of the method package (both methods and impact categories folders) and then import the latest one,
  • Import the latest one and use the option “Update data sets with newer version”. This option will update the existing version of the method package with the newest one. At the end you will see the new folder and the old one, which will be empty and you can safely delete.

We recommend to make a copy or a backup of the database in use before making any changes. Moreover, it’s not possible to have different version of the method package within the same database. In that case, we advise to have two copies of the same database with different versions of the methods imported.


For support requests you can contacts us on ask.openLCA.