Our training slides are available online for free to help you learn more about working with openLCA. The latest slides (available here) cover the following topics:

  • Installation
  • First look at the software
  • LCA data import
  • Elements in the database:
  • Creating flows and processes
  • Tips and tricks for working with openLCA
  • Product systems creation and calculation
  • Impact assessment methods creation
  • Results analysis and interpretation
  • Sensitivity analysis (working with parameters)
  • Data export
  • Allocation and system expansion
  • Additional (new) features
  • Experimental features
  • Uncertainty analysis
  • Ecoinvent 3
  • Life Cycle Costing
  • Regionalised LCIA
  • Environmental Product Declarations

When you take part in training we do a lot of excercises to illustrate how to carry out all functions in openLCA. The exercises we carry out during training are not included in these slides.

Our goal is to hold training in small groups, to make the experience very interactive and to pay special attention to each participants’ specific needs.

We offer training in Berlin, in hourse and online!

If you have any questions on training please contact us at training@greendelta.com