We are pleased to announce that we have renewed the openLCA Nexus website! Next to small design and technical changes, we made alterations to improve usability and increase the amount of information available. For example, the database page has been redesigned to be more user-friendly and now provides more datapack information.

A major addition is the new Map feature. The map was created by GreenDelta in an ongoing project commissioned by UNEP and SETAC, to whom we would like to express our gratitude for supporting this development. Using the interactive map, it is possible to find out how many data sets are available in Nexus databases, dependent on the region for which they are valid, what database they come from and by database type. The new search facete “Data type” allows you to search for datasets either from an LCI database, a data set library or an Input/Output database.

If you have any questions or comments regarding openLCA Nexus, we would love to hear from you!