NEW RELEASE! openLCA version 1.4.1 now online

Dear Colleagues and Friends, it is with great pleasure that we now inform you of the official release of openLCA version 1.4.1! A lot of improvements were made with the last major release in the summer of 2014 and since then we have continued to work diligently on...

Agribalyse Database new to openLCA Nexus

The Agribalyse database is the newest member to the openLCA Nexus database repository. It is the LCI database of the main French agricultural products at the farm gate, provided by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) as outcome of the...

ProBas database has been updated!

The ProBas database has been updated and the new zolca file is now available for download in openLCA Nexus. The database now contains all of the flows from ProBas, which was not the case up to now. For your convenience, a new datapack containing only the openLCA LCIA...