Update your  openLCA software now by downloading version 1.4.1 beta7 from the download page. In this version we are glad to present new/improved features and to have fixed a few bugs. Here is what has changed:

  • ILCD support for external source documents (when you import/export in ILCD format the external documents such as PDFs, documents, pictures, etc. will be imported/exported as well)
  • EcoSpold 1 export can now be configurated to allow for use in the EcoSpold-Access-Tool (to activate this feature, go to File –> Preferences –> Experimental features and select “EcoSpold 1 export configuration”. Then close openLCA and restart it again)
  • the flow contributions table is now sortable
  • flow types are now displayed in the LCI result tables
  • performance improvements for flow usage (openLCA no longer hangs when a flow is deleted)
  • parent and child categories can now be moved without errors

If you have any questions or comments regarding these changes please feel free to contact us, we would be pleased to hear from you!