Get the most out of your trip to Barcelona for the SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting by learning how to use the free, professional LCA software openLCA while you are there.

Introductory training – May 3rd, 1 – 5pm
We will be holding an introductory workshop for those who are interested in learning more about openLCA but do not have any experience using it (yet!). During the session, you will learn about openLCA functions and features, how to install the software, import databases and impact assessment methods as well as take the first steps in using the software. We will create a simple product system together, introduce how to use parameters and take a look at initial results.

Life Cycle Assessment with openLCA – May 8th (9am – 5pm) & 9th (9am – 1pm)
This training is designed for those who are interested in gaining/deepening their knowledge, working in the LCA field, and learning how to use the more advanced functions. The aim of the course is to provide the knowledge necessary for you to carry out LCA studies single-handedly using the latest version of the openLCA software and its most advanced LCA features.

Find out more
To find out more detail about the content and prices of the courses, please see our training page here.

To sign up, ask questions or request other training dates, write us at