The Agribalyse database is the newest member to the openLCA Nexus database repository. It is the LCI database of the main French agricultural products at the farm gate, provided by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) as outcome of the Agribalyse® program. It includes aggregated and unit processes, which must be connected to background ecoinvent v.2.2. data sets (so we recommend you use it in combination with the ecoinvent  2.2 database).

The LCI data sets for main French agricultural products (and three imported products) were modelled according to a homogenous methodology. There are several LCI data sets for the same product, for different farming practices or regions. Where possible, those data sets were averaged to obtain “national average” products. The database includes variations within product groups and a total of 136 LCI data sets: 80 for livestock production and 57 for arable and horticultural production.

Many partners contributed to the Agribalyse® program, including research institutes (INRA, Agroscope, CIRAD) and Technical Institutes representing the whole of the agricultural industry.

Additional details about the Agribalyse® program can be found at ADEME’s website (

For any feedbacks/comments/questions concerning the database content, please contact us or directly ADEME as database provider.